@extends('layouts/fullLayoutMaster') @section('title', 'Terms | Voting App') @section('page-style') {{-- Page Css files --}} @endsection @section('content')

Rules for The Kat Lounges

  1. Contribute Your Voice: We value your participation, therefore, please consider participating in or starting a discussion. Starting a discussion may include posing a question to the group, addressing a roadblock you’re facing, offering advice, or sharing a certain piece of expertise that relates to the group’s theme. Must be 18 or older.
  2. Respect Each Other: Please respect fellow members and their contributions.
  3. Think First; Type Second: Be kind and supportive to one another in the content you share.
  4. No Nudity, Sex, Violence, Minors, Pornography, or Abuse: Such content is strictly prohibited.
  5. Enjoy the Experience: Have fun, collaborate, connect, and build lasting relationships. In an effort to promote a collaborative space, please be sure to have a profile picture and a completed profile page.
  6. Stay Engaged: Make sure you comment, post, and stay engaged. Users will have an opportunity to perform Live on our YouTube show. Visit our YouTube channel: Top Kat Talent Show.